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Navigation Options

Navigation of SPM Projects can be managed using a combination of screen features. Selection features can be turned on or off as required.

Selection of Activity, Sub-activity, Scenario and Programme Combinations
  1. Filter records by drilling through Activity, Sub-activity, Scenarios and Programme Selection Categories.

    This feature can be hidden or displayed.

  2. Specific item selection from the Selection List.

    This feature can be hidden or displayed.

  3. Record interrogation using the Search function.
Full Menu Selection
  1. Selection of all SPM Projects modules using the Navigation Menu.
  2. This will include selection of Activity, Sub-activity, Scenario Management, Programmes, Projects, Reports, Administration and optional Cost Allocation features.

    Selection Options with Text Boxes

See Also

Getting Started

Login Process

Home Page

Data Structure

Screen Features

System Process Outline

System Process Diagram