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Cash Flow Screen

The anticipated percentage of Development Contributions to be collected across a 5 year period are defined in the Cost Allocation, rule book screen.

Cost Allocation Setting Rule Book

The Cash Flow screen displays the expected income generated by Development Contributions, calculated across the life of the growth and backlog periods.

Development Contributions cash flow



total community

The total population of the community


The growth population as defined by the Growth Model.


The total growth population of all catchments

opening balance

The closing balance of the previous year

growth capex

The inflated growth cost weighted across each project year.


Calculated interest according to set rate in Cost Allocation Global Settings.

dc income

The anticipated DC income to be collected from the growth population.


The cash flow rate should be the growth rate minus the back charge rate.


Maximum potential collection percentages as defined in Settings, determine the yearly level of dc income.

rates income

The anticipated rate income to be collected from the total population


DC shortfall

closing balance

opening balance + growth capex + interest + dc income + rates income + shortfall

See Also

DC Calculation

Input Parameters Screen

Non Growth Screen

Growth Screen

Back Charge Screen