The purpose of the funding model is to ensure an equitable assessment of the funding requirements to support the DC regime. The primary output of the funding model is an accurate assessment of the required DC charges.
A project cannot be considered for DCs unless it is an approved project in the LTCCP. The LTCCP will include schedules of planned projects and schedules of past projects with remaining capacity intended to support the new and future incoming community.
The Development Contributions are based on the outcomes of the Cost Allocation process and the Growth Model inputs.
The DC charge for each service group and each contributing catchment will be the sum of the "growth charges" for each project in the service group and contributing catchment, less the sum of the "backlog credits" for each project in the service group in the backlog contributing catchment.
The formulae provided as an indication of how funding costs are calculated, should be considered as a guide only. The actual calculations are significantly more complex and are not described in this manual. |
While the DC Calculations screen provides an immediate indication of DC rates for an individual project, run calculations should be processed to display a final outcome. |
Set up and processing of calculations are managed within the Global Settings screen. |
Run calculations processing is also available as an option within the Status Report. |
When advancing through a series of screens, it is important that data changes are saved on each individual screen before progressing to the next. |
Avoid using special characters, in particular ' and & when entering data descriptions. |