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Growth Model

The growth model will assess changes in the residential and business communities. Residential changes will be measured as population or dwelling numbers. Business changes will be measured as gross floor area (preferred) or employees. Large businesses may be measured on actual and projected demand.

The growth model will present the growth in at least each five year period (recommended to be each year up to the end of the LTCCP) by planning units in the community. A number of these planning units will be combined to make up the contributing Catchments for DC charging purposes.


Residential and business uses are both charged DCs. To ensure an equitable assessment of the charges it is necessary to express the residential and business demands in a common unit. This common unit is the Household Unit Equivalent (HUE). The growth model is adjusted to report both residential and business demands in the common unit, HUE.


Where a household demand for Water Supply is on average 600 litres/day then for the Activity Water Supply the measure of the HUE is 600 litres/day.

The equivalence multiplier (Equivalence) for each activity and business use is the measure of the number of HUEs of demand required by each m2 of business floor area (where business growth is reported by m2 of floor area). The equivalence varies for each business use and for each activity

Thus where a particular business use has a demand of 2 litres/day/m2 the equivalence will be

2 litres/day/m2

= 0.0033 HUE/m2

600 litres/day

Growth Model Set Up

Creation of the Growth Model requires some initial data set up:

See Also

Cost Allocation


Cost Allocation Overview

DC Calculation

Status Report