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Growth Models

The creation of a variety of Growth Models provides a mechanism for multiple Growth Models to be analysed for the purposes of Funding Allocations.

e.g. A high growth model, a low growth model and medium growth model could be created.

A default Growth Model will be available as a system variable.

Growth Model Scenarios Screen

To Edit an Existing Growth Model

  1. Click an existing Growth Model from the list at the top of the screen

    The growth model details will be displayed in the lower part of the screen

  2. Modify existing details
  3. Click the save button at the bottom of the screen

To Add an New Growth Model

  1. Click the add new button at the bottom of the Models screen

    A blank screen will appear

  2. Enter new Growth Model details


    A name that identifies the Growth Model


    A brief description of the Growth Model

  3. Click the save button at the bottom of the screen

To Delete a Growth Model

  1. Click an existing Growth Model from the list at the top of the screen

    The growth model details will be displayed in the lower part of the screen

  2. Click the delete button at the bottom of the screen

    Confirm deletion, by selection of OK from the pop-up dialogue box

To Undo Scenario Modifications

  1. To undo any unsaved field modifications, click the reset button at the bottom of the screen

See Also

Scenarios Screen

Catchment Scenarios