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Renewal Screen

Most new Projects will include the replacement of existing assets. Most asset replacement projects will be sized to replace the original capacity of the aged asset plus some additional capacity for anticipated future growth.

The Cost Allocation Methodology recognises that from the time the asset to be replaced was new until the time of the planned works, depreciation (or decline in service potential) was collected to fund its eventual replacement. This money collected is "available" to assist in meeting the project cost and is acknowledged in the methodology as described in the figure.

Renewal component costs are calculated as a theoretical stand-alone project, with no consideration for the effect of other related projects.

Cost Allocation Renewals Screen

If renewal is NOT a requirement of this project. The discussion field and the year of estimation field should still be completed.


Descriptive text may be simply no renewal.




Commentary to support the Renewals figures.

year of estimation

The year in which the Renewals component costs were estimated.


This may differ from the Capacities estimation year.

project start year

As determined by the Project.

planned year of the works

The median year of the project period. i.e. if a project starts in 2000 and ends in 2004, then the planned year of the works is 2002.





A number that identifies the component item.



Will be automatically generated, but can be modified.



A brief description of the Renewal component.


gross replacement cost

The modern day equivalent cost of the asset.


inflation code

An inflation factor added to the Renewal costs.



Selected from a drop down list.



Defined in the Inflation setup within the Administration module.


installation year

The year in which the component was installed.


expected life

The expected life of the component.



The calculated age of the component.



planned year of works - installation year


remaining life

Calculated remaining life.



expected life - age


renewal cost

Calculated renewal cost of the component.



(gross replacement cost * age) / expected life


ren cost (estimated year)

The inflated gross replacement cost.



Determined by the selected inflation code and the estimated year.

See Also

Cost Allocation Overview

Add, Edit or Remove Cost Allocations

Method Screen

New Work Screen

Project Splits Screen

Capacity Screen

Growth Screen

Summary Screen