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Edit, Add, Delete References

Reference features can be accessed by selection of reference from the ADMINISTRATION section.

Button Refresh

When additions, modifications or deletions are made to reference data in the ADMINISTRATION module, the refresh button will display a revised reference tree.

Navigation of Reference Data

Reference data is managed by navigation of a simple tree structure.

  1. Click on the plus sign to the left of a top level item to expand the structure of the level of data.

    There may be multiple data levels.

    Select References

  2. Click on an item identified by an orange arrow to display the detail of the lowest level item.

To Edit an Existing Reference

  1. Click on an item identified by an orange arrow .

    Item details will be displayed:

  2. Modify existing reference details.
  3. Click the save all button at the bottom of the screen.

To Add a New Reference Item

  1. Click on the text relating to a top level item

    A reference list will be displayed:

    Reference Item List

  2. Enter a description of the new top level item in the blank field at the top of the screen.
  3. Click the Save All button at the bottom of the screen.

    The new item will be included in the reference list.

To Delete a Reference

  1. Click on the text relating to a top level item.

    A reference list will be displayed.

    Reference Item List

  2. Tick the del box beside the items to be deleted
  3. Click the Delete Ticked button at the bottom of the screen.

    Confirmation of the delete function may not be requested. Action with care.

See Also


Configure Activities

Configure Sub-activities

Configure Localities

Configure Catchments

Configure Statement References

Configure Expenditure References

Configure Funding References

Configure Status References

Configure Alt. Status References

Configure Attributes References

Application Settings