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Catchment Cash Flow

catchment cashflow

The Catchment Cash Flow screen displays the household rate impact of each catchment in each selected sub-activity. The historic remaining balance can be carried forward manually by the user. For example, if there's previous balance of 1000 dollars for Stormwater sub-activity, Community Wide catchment (as in above graph) the user can replace the 2003/04 opening balance with 1000. Save balances button must be clicked to save the change.


The rule book screen leading to the cash flow recognises that it is not possible to collect 100% of the calculated DC income. The cash flow identifies that 100% of the growth costs are funded by a portion (defined in the rule book) of the DC income and growth rates income (annual derivation of back-charge). This leaves a "shortfall" in funding. The shortfall is the annual additional amount required of all ratepayers (existing and growth) to ensure the full funding required for growth is achieved. The amount in the box is the equivalent rate requirement per household per annum over the period for funding the growth costs. It is recognised that this is an indicative figure and that many agencies treasury processes may adopt only the growth capex and DC charges (and growth rates) fields from the cash flow tables.

See Also




DC Schedule

Rule Book

Activity Cash Flow