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Catchment Scenarios

A Catchment Scenario is a group of one or more Catchments, and the creation of multiple Catchment Scenarios provides a means of analysing the Development Contributions outputs for different Catchment groupings.

Once Catchment Scenarios and Catchments have been defined, Localities can be allocated to each Catchment.

A default Catchment Scenario will exist for each Sub-activity.

Catchments Structure

  1. Select the Sub-activity to which the Catchment Scenarios will be associated from the drop down list

    Growth Model Catchment scenario screen

To Edit an Existing Catchment Scenario

  1. Click an existing Catchment Scenario from the list at the top of the screen

    The Scenario details will be displayed in the lower part of the screen.

  2. Modify existing Scenario details
  3. Click the save button at the bottom of the screen

To Add a New Catchment Scenario

  1. Click the add new button at the bottom of the screen

    Blank Catchment Scenario details will be displayed.

  2. Select the required Activity from the dropdown list above the blank fields
  3. Enter new Catchment Scenario details


    A name that identifies the Catchment Scenario


    A brief description of the Catchment Scenario

  4. Click the save button at the bottom of the screen

To Delete a Catchment Scenario

  1. Click an existing Catchment Scenario from the list at the top of the screen

    The Scenario details will be displayed in the lower part of the screen.

  2. Click the delete button at the bottom of the screen

    Confirm deletion, by selection of OK from the pop-up dialogue box.

To Edit, Add Catchments

  1. Click an existing Catchment Scenario from the list at the top of the screen

    The Scenario details will be displayed in the lower part of the screen.

  2. Click the edit catchments button at the bottom of the screen

    Existing Catchments will be displayed.

    Growth Model Catchment Creation

  3. Modify existing Catchments details or add new Catchment details in the blank row at the bottom of the list


    A code to identify this Catchment

    catchment name

    A name that identifies this Catchment


    A brief Catchment description

  4. Click the save button at the bottom of the screen
  5. Click the edit catchments button to return to the Scenarios screen

To Delete Catchments

  1. Highlight and delete the text of the Catchment to be deleted
  2. Click the save button at the bottom of the screen

Growth Model Delete Catchments

See Also

Scenarios Screen

Growth Models